Monday, January 20, 2014

Our Father

Some times we feel things are not going very well, we decide to stop and make a recount of all what's going on in or life, we count the trials and struggles we have and after all this problems and pressure we may wonder What's next? what's to be done?  
Giving up starts to seem like a good option. 

But for those times we must remember:

All of our trials can strengthen us, make us happier and help us learn to trust more in God, and all this is part of His Great Plan of Happiness for us.
Once we consider  His whole pan for us, things start to make way more sense, so let's remember what He has given us:


He created an earth for us, to live, enjoy and develop. He gave us the chance to obtain a body  and varied little extracts of skills; all of this in the image of His own divine attributes. The areas where these are lacking comprise our weaknesses.


Conscious of these weaknesses, He will give you challenges in order for you to strengthen them, and offer you help and guidance from His perfect knowledge wherever you are, from the unlimited line of communication that He established for us called Prayer. He will listen to all your prayers and even answer all of them, sometimes with a loving and merciful, "no", for the silly ones we ask that are not going to help us in the very best way, and granting the rest in the very best time.


Knowing that sometimes we will forget to use or even interrupt the line of communication with Him, (He knew the danger to leave us alone with the enemy) He sent extra help.

He will choose, authorize and train His personal mouthpiece so you can have personal extra support sent from heaven.

These mouthpieces are called Prophets and they will be there even when people stone them, burn them and do all other kind of things to them, because they were obedient enough to have received a bigger part and a better comprehension of God's love for each of us His children. And they realize that it is so pure, so great and gives so much joy to the deepest part of the soul, that no matter what can happen to them it will be worth it if at least one of us, thier brothers and sisters will listen and follow, just to come, gain and participate of the same love.


It may seems already easy, but apparently He loves us even more. God made for us a step by step list of things we must do in order to be able to have joy now and a fullness of joy for eternity.

He organized the path into smaller parts called covenants or promises, so that we can go one by one, as baby steps. And He makes them public and free so no one will miss it.

He wants to help you in everything, but you have to be spiritually clean, to be able to listen clearly to what He has to say and receive His help for the bigger things later. So its not surprising that the first step is To get you clean. And its a kind of shower, by water and by symbolic fire. It can get you so clean that has been even called
being born again. It's official name is baptism, (and the authority to perform it "had to be conferred by the laying on of hands by those who held it. [Because authority to baptize] did not come from a desire to serve or from reading the scriptures," ) the first part is by water, and the second one is by fire, or the Holy Ghost, who actually cleans you to make a new "you". Only when baptism is perform by someone authorized and preceded by personal repentance, its effective in washing sins as God designed it to be, and that person will be ready to receive constant revelation from God trough the Holy Ghost if he or she permits it.

Will continue...

Part 2


Through His plan, God  gave us the chance to prove to ourselves whether or not we want to become more like Him, and for this purpose God sent us to the earth: 1.- To come and obtain a body in the image of His own and 2.- To develop and become more like Him.

We needed to do this and go back spiritually clean. But until that point our weaknesses will make that impossible. After our first wrong choice in our learning process, the mistake will arise, sin will be present and the spiritual cleanliness gone, making it impossible for us to go back from then on. No matter how much experience we get, even a first and little mistake will make us impure enough and unable to be in the presence of God again.

Now, we start talking about all the help God has given us in order to fulfill our part in the Great Plan of Happiness, but even with all that help He knew the opposition will be great, and knowing us He could imagine it would be practically impossible for us to come back with all the wrong choices we will make. He knew progression is indispensable, but it's not free, He loved us so much that He wanted us to progress and to have the greatest joy we could experience, even as He does, but there always has to be a balance; there is progression and unlimited joy on one side, and degeneration and unlimited misery on the other, so He explained this to us, with His desire for us to achieve the first one.

We needed to keep moving through our development, but as the little kid who decided to not pay attention in school is not ready for the test, the time for our mortal test had arrived but because of the holes we created in our learning process it would be very risky for us to try. He knew there was only one of us His children who had
developed enough obedience to make it trough life without making even one single mistake. It was His Firstborn who would succeed, with the rest of us capable to receive the chance of progression, but with an assurance of failure because of our own inadequacies.

We needed to keep going, none of us wanted to stop moving forward, but to valiantly risk our own souls in order to have the chance to move to a higher plane. All of us were willing, but probably none of us completely understood the risk. God explained to us, and then He decided to uncover the key part of His perfect plan.

Someone had to pay for the mistakes, but each of us could just pay for our own. A Savior was needed for everyone, except for the One Person who will have no mistake. It was His firstborn Jesus, who after seeing the situation, willingly offered His own life out of love for us, to come and pay for everyone who would make a covenant with Him and decide to change and never willfully sin again, so that those who would accept His terms will receive forgiveness, the debt of their sins will be paid thanks to His sacrifice and then we could go back and obtain the promised blessings.


And there it was, the Great Plan of Salvation from God the Father to all of us, through His Son Jesus Christ, who many years ago came to the earth and payed the price to make possible for all of us from Adam to the last of us to fulfill our final goal of perfection, goal that everyone in this world committed to before we were born when the plan was presented. Proof of it are our mortal bodies, a vital part of our eternal progression.

So when you feel the burden is unbearable, or the darkness too deep, 
even when you see the challenges coming, or for the times when you are in the midst of it, don't forget: Trials are so we can learn to trust in God, and finally succeed according to His Plan.

No matter what, Never Give Up! He will never give up on you, He will never stop sending help. The exit, the answer, the relief, The Love:

It's still THERE, still FREE, still GOD'S OFFICIAL, it's still THE ONLY ONE. And its found in His Gospel sent straight from heaven, by our God who "of all the titles of respect and honor (...), He has asked us to address him as Father." Our Loving Heavenly Father.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

For those who doesn't like WALKING IN CIRCLES

"Have you ever heard the old saying that People who get lost tend to Walk in Circles?

Jan L. Souman, a German psychologist, wanted to determine scientifically if this was true. He took participants of an experiment to a large forest area and to the Sahara desert {...} They had no compass or any other device. Instructions to them were simple: walk in a straight line in the direction indicated.

Dr. Souman later described what happened. '[Some] of them walked {...}[with no reference points in view]. … [They] all walked in circles, with [several] of them repeatedly crossing their own path without noticing it.'

Without visible landmarks, human beings tend to walk in circles."*

In life something similar happens. Everyone has walked or walks in circles at one point or another. Most of the time we don't realize we are doing it, but usually, with time, we realize something is just not right.

Some times, when someone stays steady in a peaceful place, somehow instead of peace, an uncomfortable feeling comes, and as a natural reaction our minds try to change something in order to improve that. By this point the world has provided many ways in order to ignore those feelings, some times it's music, social relations, other times it's legal or illegal drugs. Some others find something to spend their time on, but finally the result it's always the same. The further we go the most we realize it doesn't work.

What at some point seemed to be the piece we were missing, now in our hands is just a future part of our personal pile, of "this wasn't the answer". An emptiness keep taking place, and ironically, the bigger it gets, the heavier our soul feels.

To stop walking in circles, we have to walk strait, not find something to do while you are in the eternal "round" trip.

Many times young people is the less perceptive, but usually older walkers on life (or anyone who puts down their pride), come to understand that sin, is something real. That passed mistakes make the soul heavy, that is more than just a feeling and that walking ignoring it doesn't lessen the effects of it.

The advantage on this is that we don't have to wait to realize that those paths doesn't work. We can start now in the self inventory of repentance and see what doesn't work.

From all the things you are doing ask yourself the question:

Where will it lead? Ponder for a minute and change the ones that will keep you from walking strait.

God, our father, has provided a way so we can walk strait, and we can overcome all the difficulties in this world. It doesn't mean life will be without tough times, but it definitely can be much better when we decide to follow His perfect and inspire advice.

He knows the way, and He understood the importance to make it know unto us, so He sent His only begotten Son to show us know the best path, and then He expressed:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, 

and I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;

for I am meek and lowly in heart: 

and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
Matthew 11:28-29

Find more about how in the next post.

*See Jan L. Souman and others "Walking strait into circles," current Biology, vol. 19 (Sept. 19, 2009), 1538-1542.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Christmas (wrapping) Story!

Once upon the time, (on December 24, 2013) there was a group of missionaries looking for a way to serve for the Christmas season.

A way to wish Merry Christmas! 

The idea came and the preparation was made. The place was chosen, the tables were set, and the missionaries exited!

People Starting coming...

"What?" People asked

"FREE !?!?"

"YES!" they answered, FREE GIFT WRAPPING!

And they Wrap...

And they wrap...

And (it wasn't easy,  but) they kept wrapping...

and people started wondering, "Why are you guys doing this?"
and they let them know...

"We follow the example of Jesus,
we serve with love"

"Because that's what makes us happy!"

And they kept up the good wrap!

and it got colder and late...

But the sign was still there:

They were still decided to serve...

And the story gets to the end...

But something that we can learn:

No matter the place, the time, or the idea.

Service for others, as Jesus taught
let us show the true love.


By this shall all men know
that ye are my disciples,
if ye have love one to another

John 13:35